
Showing posts from September, 2021

Reflection 9/24

 In today’s class we began to read the first few letters from The Color Purple. We also discussed the intense situations from the main character in the first few letters and looked at the common themes from the book.

Write About What You Used To Know How To Do

 Something I used to know how to do was play the piano. A few years ago, I had lessons for about eight months and was decent at the time. But I soon lost the feeling to play the instrument and now I don’t know how to play it anymore.

Write About What You’d Planned To Do

 A year or two ago, I planned on helping with a friend of mine and his heating and air business. One day we had a job that dealt with mostly electricity, which is dangerous enough. Suddenly it started to storm which meant we had to take caution and reschedule the job to be done another time.

Something That Doesn’t Get Better

 Something that doesn’t get better is possibly witnessing an event that could permanently be trapped on a person’s mind. This situation is often called being “scarred” in most cases. Many people have either heard or seen something harsh. Or maybe even felt a type of way about something for a long period of time and became physically or emotionally scarred.

Reflection 9/22

 Today in class, we discussed what could make a person lose their minds. Another poem by Emily Dickinson was also shared about how it felt for a person to lose their mind. 

Reflection 9/21

 Today’s lesson in classes revolved around a discussion is students had about the curriculum and things we see in class that we think are pointless. Instead of the original lesson plan going over poems, we saw a glimpse of things we would see in adulthood involving ownership of property, interest rates, and what minimum wage looks like. 

Reflection 9/20

 The lesson today was dealing with two poems by Emily Dickinson. The first was about being Somebody, meaning you are typical, common, expected. And being Nobody, different, their own person. The second poem was about how hard it is to forget your love and it takes time to get over a relationship.

Reflection 9/1

 Today’s lesson was on how to classify arguments and how arguments are put together. Arguments are claims that are supported with evidence and not opinions. Often times arguments are caused by self beliefs and claims between others. However, an argument cannot go against a proven fact.