

 Today in class we read about eight causes of bad breath and how they can affect a person. I learned that a shortage of saliva can cause bad breath, heavy amounts of alcohol, and a large amount of bacteria can cause bad breath. I already knew brushing your teeth before you go to bed and first thing in the morning was important but I never knew the specific details on why. The class also saw world records of a famous tightrope walker and how his accomplishments tied into the poem we read.


 Today in class we had a second day to finish our benchmark and got a refresher for how we all have to perform for the upcoming EOC test.

Reflection 11/29

 Today we looked over and read a passage about the way language was used between Chinese people in the U.S. Most of the time, speakers have to articulate ways they use English with certain people. We read that some Chinese in America don’t use articles when they speak. The speaker of the text reveals that she sometimes has to switch her speech depending on the people she talks to.

Reflection 11/15

 Today we looked over facts about going to college, the several fees for it, and the importance of getting degrees while in college. I learned that any and all college is expensive and it can be difficult to pay the different fees to attend. Students usually use take the route of using student loans to pay things off but most students fall into several thousands of dollars in debt and can take a while to pay it back 

Reflection 11/10

 Today we sat in a video call with a representative of agents who’s job is to help out students to find careers, help with assignments, essays etc. We set up accounts and gave our numbers to get set up with an agent and now we have access to whatever help we need for any internships or assignments at anytime.

Letter 22 reflection

 Letter 22 is the letter where we finally meet Shug Avery in The Color Purple. One thing that stood out to me was the description of her looks, her behavior she was mostly known for and her personality towards the end.

Reflection 9/24

 In today’s class we began to read the first few letters from The Color Purple. We also discussed the intense situations from the main character in the first few letters and looked at the common themes from the book.